Brian Brushwood (born January 17, 1975, in Fountain Valley, CA) is an American magician who performs nationwide. He is especially well-known for his display of bizarre magic. He is known to perform fire-eating, escapes, breaking a cinder block over his head, sticking nails in his eyes and nose, sticking needles through his palm, reading minds, and "The Human Crazy Straw". He frequently releases podcasts and vlogs of himself on the road. He has performed on The Food Network, CNN and The Tonight Show, as well as performing special demonstrations at The University of Texas. Brian is a regular on the college circuit. On April 7, 2008 Brushwood's internet television show Scam School launched on the Revision3 network. The show features quick five minute tips to get free drinks at bars and to impress friends. Brian was interviewed on The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe, Episode 205.
Brushwood grew up living in California, Colorado, Norway, and Texas. In 1993 he started at the University of Texas in Austin majoring in "Plan II honors program". He performed a magic show as a "creative writing" senior thesis. He began touring with the "Bizarre Magic Show" full-time in 2000. Brushwood also works as a writer and makes appearances on the lecture circuit. Brushwood categorizes himself as a libertarian.
Brian has authored several books about magic and college entertainment:
* Cheats, Cons, Swindles & Tricks: 57 Ways to Scam a Free Drink
* Pack the House: The Ultimate, Ever-Growing Guide to Increasing Attendance to YOUR Campus Events (co-authored with C. J. Johnson)
* Professional's Guide to Fire Eating